Saturday, September 11, 2021

9/11/21 One more chance

One more


One more day on planet earth 

I'll be sure to fill it with joy and mirth

This may be the last one that I’ll know 

I'll stay awake and savor the show 

Almost 30,000 days have passed 

The mystery grows until the last 

There's so much new I want to learn 

And I have free time with no concern 

It's the blessing of old age

Maybe someday I'll become a stage 

One more


9/11/21 day 29,898

Friday, September 10, 2021

9/10/21 Attitude

The most important thing 

In my life 

Is within my power to change  

( my attitude )

It's so cold, I can't stand the heat 

My back always hurts and so do my feet 


There's gas in the car and great places to go 

Electric, plumbing and a plow for the snow 


I will direct my thoughts to always be grateful 

Kind, present, humorous, and playful

The most important thing 

In my life 

Is within my power to change  

( my attitude )

9/10/ 2021 day 29,897

Monday, August 23, 2021

8/23/21 Lost in the familiar cc

Lost in the

One more day
Same old way
Winter is here
Springtime is near
Then summer again
I don't know when
It will come to an end
So be of good cheer
Laugh while you're here
You will soon disappear

Lost in the

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

8/10/21 Mission cc

What is the next
Mission critical

Always busy never thinking
My greatest asset always shrinking
Take some time and figure out
What the next step is all about
Forget all else and take the leap
And finish it before you sleep
Sometimes things change really fast
My largest dream may come to pass
And then what
Happiness? Fulfillment? World peace?
Or just old fashion eternal death
What is the next
Mission critical
Tim Ferris

Thursday, July 29, 2021

7/29/21 the mystery


The mystery

I don’t know why
I don’t know how
All I really know is
I’ll never know 
And that I am incredibly grateful
To have this opportunity 
Of experiencing human life on the planet earth 
Loving, learning, associating with others 
And living in our cozy little settlement 
On my grandfather’s potato field
A drop of time 
A stupid rhyme
I’ll savor the mystery
Till I’m just history

Friday, July 16, 2021

7/16/21 does this activity cc

Does this
Lead me to where
I want to be

No is the answer most of the time
All I do is sit and rhyme
Today I'll make a great bold list
Of all the things that I have missed
And one by one I'll cross them off
Then someday soon I'll sit and scoffed
At all the wasted time I spent
I'll learn from it without lament
Oh what great things I'll achieve
Or is this just one more chance to self deceive

Does this
Lead me to where
I want to be

Monday, July 12, 2021

7/14/21 know that you must die cc

Breathe deeply
And know that you 
Must die

If I knew it would be today
What wisdom would I convey
Study life and be kind
Always manage your busy mind
Be loving and grateful
Never act hateful
Get tough and resilient
But don't think that you're brilliant
All we have is just a little time
So write a song or some stupid rhyme

Breathe deeply
And know that you 
Must die
7/14/21 day 29,839

7/12/21 This shit ain't personal cc

I'm standing too close
This shit ain't personal
(Universal unfolding)

My shoulder hurts my feet are swollen
I got toe fungus and a iffie colon
North Korea has been shooting missiles
The dog came home with lots of thistles
Life is better than has ever been
Garden greens and eggs from our hen
Electric, heat and indoor plumbing
Coffee, wine and the checks keep coming
I'll stand way back and watch the show
Be kind, gentle and stay in the flow

I'm standing too close
This shit ain't personal
(Universal unfolding)

Monday, July 5, 2021

Destiny 7/5/21 cc

Does this brick 
Fit in
The wall I'm building

Almost all the things we do
Cast a shadow out of view
It's all the small things that add up
Like a little sugar in each coffee cup
Draw something each and every day
In a decade or two you'll have a display
Graduation, marriage or divorce
Well put us on a different course
So I'll consider the choices I make
And hope that it's not just another mistake

Does this brick
Fit in
The wall I'm building
7/5/21 day 29,830


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Candlelight 6/30/21 ss

A one time candlelight
In the
Dark silence of time

Our rooster is crowing and it's not yet dawn
What adventure will this day spawn
Start the coffee, feed the pets
Saver life without regrets
I'll spin a rhyme and make a list
Of all the undone things I have missed
This may be the last so I'll do my best
To stay loving, peaceful without  regret
Life gets better every year
As I realized there's not much to fear

A one time candlelight
In the
Dark silence of time
6/30/21 day 29,825

Thursday, June 3, 2021

6/3/21 Meaningless mind storms cc

Mind storms
In the heart of
Great possibilities

Always busy thinking thinking
When I should be drinking drinking
Dr. Marcola said 10 glasses a day
If it's hydrated you wish to stay
And then there's all this email stuff
I read and read but it's never enough
I just remembered what I should do
Figure out who to send my new book to
And call friends and family far and near
I'll do it now before I disappear

Mind storms
In the heart of
Great possibilities

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

5/25/21 Never ready cc

Never ready 
Always imperfect
Start now

For sure tomorrow I will get underway
I know it will be a much better day
The stars will be right
I'll check them tonight
How grand it will be "tomorrow"
I've struggled so long
So what can go wrong 
I'll jump in the fray
And never delay
How grand it will be "tomorrow"

Never ready
Always imperfect
Start now

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Rain 5/15/21 cc

Every minute it
Doesn't rain
Gets us that much closer 
To the next rain

Bitcoin is soaring
The economy is roaring
Stocks are at an all-time high
It's easy to forget
The size of the debt
Commonsense doesn't seem to apply
In 28 they were yelling
In 29 they were selling 
Reality they could no longer deny
Buy gold and silver

Every minute it
Doesn't rain
Gets us that much closer 
To the next rain

Friday, April 30, 2021

4/30/21 The unexpected cc

The unexpected
Lurks gleefully
In every instant

The same old thing keeps coming up
Sudden-death or just a broken cup
I stumble around in my last days
In the same old self-deluded hays
Life has never been this good
Because I never understood
It's not what happens that makes the day
But how I react and what I say
So from now on I'll pay attention
And give up all my apprehension

The unexpected
Lurks gleefully
In every instant
4/30/21 day 29,764

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

4/21/21 Never in doubt cc

Often wrong  
In doubt

If I'm going to try I must believe
That the plan will work as it was conceived
Quell my doubts and charge right in
Only think about the win
As time passes things will change
And I'll see what too rearrange
Sometimes it's time to start a new
And keep on trying as my skills accrue

Often wrong  
In doubt
4/21/21 day 29768

Friday, April 16, 2021

How-- why 4/15/21

How why?

I came to earth no one knows why

It took 80 years to be sure I'd die

In light of that how should I spend my time

Study read and spin a rhyme

Exercise and grow healthy food

Weed and harvest in the nude 

Read the classics dine with friends

Be kind and grateful until it ends

How why?

Monday, April 12, 2021

Nobody going nowhere 4/12/21 cc

I'm nobody all 
Packed up to
Go nowhere

I make such a big deal
About all that I feel
Then time sweeps it away
Like a snowstorm in May
So be of good cheer
The end is quite near

I'm nobody all
Packed up to
Go nowhere

Thursday, April 8, 2021

4/8/21 Goodwill capital

Goodwill capital


Over 50 years ago I read

Think and grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This one line has had a very large impact on my career

“Give more than you get and get more than you give”

Forget about 50-50 when ever you setting up any kind of a transaction 

I never looked to get more than 45% or sometimes even 40%

That extra five or 10% is what I call 

Goodwill capital

And quite often it can turn out to be the

Most valuable part of the exchange

People go out of their way to do business with you 

And refer you to their friends and associates 

Any kind of dispute or misunderstanding 

Gets resolved in a friendly manner

When ever I have needed help or advice 

My customers were always available  

The power of 

Goodwill Capital 

Goes way beyond the people you  actually deal with

It seems to have a universal power

Whenever I have been in need of something 

Someone would show up with the answer

Until lately I would attributed it to dumb luck

But from the high ground of my 81st year 

I see a pattern 

Go out of your way to give people extra value 

And watch the magic work 

Something as simple as a sign in a store window 

Our bathrooms are open to the public  

Can generate an enormous amount of Goodwill 

“Give more than you get it and get more than you give”

And always feel compassion for the greedy small minded people 

That try to get more than their fair share


Goodwill capital

Saturday, April 3, 2021

4/3/21 there's never anything to just "get through" cc

There is never anything
"To get through"
It's just more practice
A building block in my
Growing repertoire of
Skillful responses

The greatest gift that time has given
Is to be grateful and never driven
Sometimes life's road gets really steep
A chance to learn and grow a heap
Or get depressed and just complain
But that only brings on more of the same
No one lives a perfect life
There will always be some kind of strife
Freedom lies in our reaction
So find the good and give it traction

There is never anything
"To get through"
It's just more practice
A building block in my
Growing repertoire of
Skillful responses

Friday, March 26, 2021

3/26/21 Make the best of a devolving situation

Making the best of a 

Devolving situation 

My little world shows up every morning 

Dog, cat and coffee by the fire that's roaring

What's going on what should I do 

I study and think about what to pursue 

Then all of a sudden it's time for some wine

And watching the news while we slowly dine

It’s 29,649 days since I dropped into time 

And the best I can do is one more  stupid rhyme

But today's a new day with great possibility 

I'll do the same shit as yesterday in all probability 

Making the best of a 

Devolving situation 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

3/21/21/ Read cc

Learn with ease what
Others have struggled
To understand

When I was young I knew it all
Yet to take my first big fall
Then I found myself on a long commute
Many books I read while in route
The more I read the less I knew
My profound ignorance came into view
Learning is like a mountain climb 
The higher you get the more things rhyme
So read what others have come to know
And wisdom's light may begin to glow

Learn with ease what
Others have struggled
To understand

Sunday, March 14, 2021

3/14/21 Short road cc

We are all
Walking the short
Road back to

The first time I was dead
I had no troubles in my head
For reasons all unknown
I came into a zone
Of noise,light and feeling
That left me scared and reeling
It only took me 80 years
To put an end to most of my fears
Now soon I'll be dead again
What a great life it has been

We are all
Walking the short 
Road back to

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

3/9/21 stay curious cc

Stay curious 
There is always
Much more
To learn

We will never know what we don't know
But the more we know the more we grow
So much new is learned each year
About health, science and what to fear
As we learn our brains grow stronger
It may even help for us live a little longer
It's always easy to keep on learning
All it takes is a burning yearning
Lady Google knows it all 
She's always at our beckon and call

Stay curious 
There is always
Much more
To learn

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

3/2/21 Fashionable nonsense cc


The first time that I tried to smoke
I was sure that I was going to choke
All the adults that I know
Puffed away the whole day through
I coughed a lot but I kept on smoking
I'd fit in even if I died choking
But very soon the miseries ended
And then I felt like now I blended
There was much concern about my shirts
Especially around the pretty skirts

Alan Sokol
3/2/21 day 29,296

Friday, February 26, 2021

2/26/21 Lost in the familiar cc

Lost in the

I was young and he was old
Of the future he foretold
From the maple grove the brush we cleared
Until the sun had almost disappeared
He said someday these trees would be mine
And the maple sap would flow like wine
More than 70 springs have come and gone
Not one drop of sap have I withdrawn
I sit here writing by the fires light
Just 200 feet from that very site

Lost in the
2/26/21 day 29,292

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Do less get more 2/21/21cc

Do less
Get more

Busy busy all the time
Never anytime to rhyme
This day ahead will be gone forever
I'll choose carefully what I endeavor
Good decisions change things fast
Days fly by but outcomes last
Where in 5 years would I like to be
Rich and famous, thin and free?
I'll set my sales and stay the course
And then time will kill me without remorse

Do less
Get more

Monday, February 15, 2021

Question everything Assume nothing 2/15/21

Question everything 
Assume nothing

Only a sleuth
Can get to the truth
Big companies are selling
Politicians are yelling
They pull facts from the air
Talk nonsense with flair
So how do we know
What's real or a show
Study and ponder
Till you're taken up yonder

Question everything
Assume nothing
2/15/21 day 29,281

Thursday, February 11, 2021

2/1/21 We paint the days on the canvas of our lives cc

We paint the days 
On the canvas
Of our lives

In the mornings first light
I sit here and write
Of the things that I will do
While the sky is still blue
And then once again
Like most other days end
The list stays intact
Because I don't act

We paint our days
On the canvas
Of our lives