Monday, February 26, 2018

Use more 440d

I don't need to
Know more
I need to use more of
What I know

Simple things
Deeply not shallow 
Don't hold your breath
Stand straight
Don't talk so much
Or interrupt people
Eat slowly and chew thoroughly
Drink enough water
Pay attention to your thoughts
All is well

I don't need to
Know more
I need to use more of
What I know
day 28,354

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The way 440c

What stands in 
The way
Is the way

I am usually the major obstacle
Between where I am and where I
Think I want to be
Form a clear plan
Set a target date
Write it down
Read it everyday
Learn the required skills
Acquire the needed resources
Charge        Never relent

What stands in
The way
Is the way
day 28,253

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Dream 440b

Life is but a 
Don't turn it into a

It's not what's going on
But the meaning that I give to it
The choice is always mine
Will I allow opinion and habit
To create some form of disharmony
Or will I see this as an
To be grateful for my life,
  All the blessings that I now enjoy
And the progress I have made 
                                                          Freeing myself from the creation of
                                                                   Unwholesome mind state

   Life is but a
Don't turn it into a
Jen Sincerno
2/24/18  #440b

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Think big 440a

Look down 
Think small
Aim low

And wind up old, fat, unhappy and broke
Every day
I'm paying off consequences of
Stupidity and poor planning
Enjoying the benefits of
Intelligence decisions and good planning
Setting new forces in motion
That will mostly rule my future

Look up
Think big
Aim high
2/22/18  #440a

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Receive later 439b

Pay now  
Receive later

Give more than you get and 
Get more than you give
Napoleon Hill taught me that in 1965
When I read his book 
Think and Grow Rich for the first time
Adding a little extra goodwill
To every business transaction
It has come back to me over and over
Look out for the other persons interest
And the universe will look out for yours

Pay now
2/20/18  #439b

Monday, February 19, 2018

Try Harder 439a

The more I 
The luckier I get

Show up on time and
Keep trying
It took Edison thousands of tries
Before he got lucky
And found a filament that would last
It's not just getting lucky
It's having the knowledge and skill
To understand and actualize
Your good fortune
So study and prepare yourself
Sometimes it takes 10 years
To become an overnight success

The more I
The luckier I get
Gary Player
2/19/18  439a

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Will power 439

  1. Environment is 
  2. Stronger then
  3. Willpower

  4. I set the stage and play my part
  5. As I really try to create some art
  6. Coffee, books and a glowing fire
  7. Some new knowledge I may acquire
  8. When shopping I skip the sweets & chips
  9. Then there's no chance they will pass my lips
  10. My cart contains fruits,veggies, nuts & meat 
  11. I can eat an apple if I want to treat
  12. We get four stations and there for free
  13. It makes it easier to not watch TV

  14. Environment is 
  15. Stronger then
  16. Willpower
  17. 2/18/18  #439

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Breathe 438 cc

Breathe deeply
And know that you 
Must die

If I knew it would be today
What wisdom would I convey
Study life and be kind
Always manage your busy mind
Be loving and grateful
Never act hateful
Get tough and resilient
But don't think that you're brilliant
All we have is just a little time
So write a song or some stupid rhyme

Breathe deeply
And know that you 
Must die
2/17/18  #438

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Insight 437a

A drop of insight 
In a thunderstorm of

The two most helpful insights 
I have stumbled across are
How little I know
And to keep studying and learning
All of human knowledge has
Doubled in the last four years
And will double again in the next two
So if I study and learn
As fast as I can
I will still die almost completely
But maybe a little wiser

A drop of insight
In a thunderstorm of
2/16/18 437a

Study 347

Make a
Study of

Why did we come here where are we going
There ain't no way of really knowing
But while we're here there's much to learn
To be kind and gracious at every turn
Train the children help the old
Spread goodwill and share your gold
All we have is a little time
To be mundane or seek the sublime
There's no way out except one door
So do your best forevermore

Make a
Study of
1/15/18 #437

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Talk 436a

Those that know
Don't talk
Those who talk
Don't know

For decades I have been journaling about
Not talking so much
Listen – ask questions – don't interrupt
Lately the volume of communications
Has dramatically increased
text messages, mobile phones, email
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat
Noise and mindless chatter
Roaring at a fevered pace
From now on I will
Keep my big mouth shut

Those that know
Don't talk
Those who talk
Don't know
Tow Te Ching
day 28,342

Monday, February 12, 2018

Insight 436

Real insight
Is as elusive as it is

All the things we see and hear
Are little help in thinking clear
Sex-assault an airplane crash
Some Wall St jerk got lots of cash
Sports events that's stirs the masses
Towns that Isis left in ashes
Movie stars with private jets
Suicide for many vets
Study the classics view some art
Ponder the mystery before you depart

Real insight
Is as elusive as it is
2/12/18/ #436

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Blunder on 435g

Blunder on
Ignorance is no
Barrier to a fool

The most foolish thing someone can do
Is to remain ignorant
Free information abounds
Libraries, Internet, newsletters, podcasts,
Adult education, webinars, etc.
Education is a lifelong project 
And one of the greatest insights is
That ignorance is forever
Even for the old and wise
All is well

Blunder on
Ignorance is no
Barrier to a fool
2/11/18 #435g

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Grand plan 435f

A grand plan 
Then yesterday
All over again

I pass my my days in the clutches of
Habit and routine
So many possibilities for
Progress, creativity and learning
Right her       Right now
Right after lunch
I'll take a nap
And then unleash
My creative genius

A grand plan
Then yesterday
All over again
1/10/18  435f

Friday, February 9, 2018

Being busy 435e

Being busy is another 
Form of laziness

The first thing that gets attention is the
Flat tire, burned-out fuse, broken window
Then the routine
Eating, showers, exercise, dishes, cooking
And all that goes with that
Movies, TV, Internet, music, sports, Facebook 
The creative
Writing, drawing, painting,sculpting
Gets forgotten(again)

Being busy is another 
Form of laziness
Tim Ferriss
2/9/18 #435e

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Gaining ground 435d

Am I gaining  
Or just standing

One of the many advantages of old age
Is perspective what leads to what
Study and practice = knowledge and skill
Exercise and yoga= fitness and flexibility
Good food and rest = health and energy
Purpose = meaning
I am what I am because of
Millions of decisions made over
The last 78 years
I will choose carefully what I do today

Am I gaining
Or just standing
2/8/18  #435d

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Bridge. 435c

Don't take a 
Build a bridge

One step in a new direction
Determine what you need to know
And study it
What skills will you need
Practice them every day 
Start now
Take the first step
Then take another one
As the months turn two years
Your vision will come into view

Don't take a
Build a bridge
Jeff Goins
2/7/18  435c

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Designed 435b

The brain wasn't 
For so much use

Survival and breeding
Getting enough food and water
And warm place to sleep
After a long time cooking
But now
Radio, TV, Internet, podcasts,
Books, CDs, movies, bright lights
Cars, buses, airplanes
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat

The brain wasn't
For so much use
2/6/18 day 28,574 #435b

Monday, February 5, 2018

Try 435a

Really try 

Try what
Not to spill anything
To thoroughly chew my food
Not to bang into anything
To put things back
Not to step on our new kitten
To not talk so much
Not to interrupt people
To stand erect and breathe deeply
Not to rush around or be inpatient
To always be grateful and mindful

Really try
2/5/18 day 28,573  #435

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Creator 435

I am the
And I am the

We mold and shape ourselves each day
With all of the things that we do and say
Through study and practice we will change
Then our world we can completely rearrange
With steady effort we can build our health
By trial and era we may gain some wealth
Every thought and act that we take
Can break us down or help us awake
Take the helm and act with care
Build your world without despair

I am the
And I am the
2/4/18 day 28,572  #435

Thursday, February 1, 2018

New day 434a

Brand new
Same old way

The rut gets smoother and deeper
Comfortable easy ways of slow-moving days
The living death of routine
Break something down blow something up
Climb out of the rut
Before it becomes a grave
Somebody said a grave is a rut 
With the ends knocked out

Same old way
2/1/18 day 28,569 #434a

blemish 434

I am a
Micro eruption
On the great ass
Of time

Eternal life was mine in youth
As decades past I learned the truth
We are all just part of the cosmic joke
Like firewood that just turns to smoke
Study history see how we act
Pray your town doesn't come under attack
Crucifying, hang or burn them at the stake
Today millions can die from one mistake
Why did you come here where are you going
There ain't no way of really knowing
All is well

I am a
Micro eruption
On the great ass
Of time
1/31/18 day 28,568  #434