Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Be at home 1/25/20

Be at home  
With your

Sometimes in the course of my day
The plans I laid wind up  in decay
Most of the time I can see my good fortune
I have been served such a generous portion
Once in a while
Without any style
I wine and complain
From a whole different brain
But this is the hand that I was dealt
So I'll play it with gratitude & stealth

Be at home
With your
Robert De Ropp
day 28,363

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fit 3/21/20

No one gets fit 
By being lucky

So much of what I do today
Is just past choices that I repay
My days are ruled by habit and routine
I'm like some kind of do over machine
This propensity is just like cold beer
It can wreck your life or bring good cheer
I can use this force to change my life
To get fit and sharp like a hunting knife
Lady luck has been kind to me 
Good habits help but there's no guarantee

Know one gets fit
Bye babe Lucky
3/21/20 day 29,359

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Slow down 3/19/20

Slow down 
Dieing process
Eat your spinach get lots of sleep
Look both ways before you leap
Staying healthy takes study and thought
It's worth the effort don't get distraught 
Eat lots of veggies nuts and seeds
Be kind and gentle do good deeds
Drink spring water and exercise
Stay the course don't compromise
There's no way out we're all dead meat
Sing and dance till your times complete

Slow down
Dieing process

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Make them feel 3/14/20

People forget what you 
Say and do
But not how you 
Make them feel

Skunk cabbage fresh and green
Clustered around a cold high stream
Aprils song is loud and clear
Noisy brooks and skinny deer
Lawns and pastures all agleam
Just awoke from a long cold dream
All is well have no fear
Winters gone and spring is here

People forget what you
Say and do
But not how you 
Make them feel
Jen Sincero