Thursday, May 31, 2018

Nowhere 455b

We are all
Walking the short
Road back to

The first time I was dead
I had no troubles in my head
For reasons all unknown
I came into a zone
Of noise,light and feeling
That left me scared and reeling
It only took me 80 years
To put an end to most of my fears
Now soon I'll be dead again
What a great life it has been

We are all
Walking the short 
Road back to
5/31/18 455b

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Slow down 455a

Slow down
Dying process

Eat your spinach get lots of sleep
Look both ways before you leap
Staying healthy takes study and thought
It's worth the effort don't get distraught 
Eat lots of veggies nuts and seeds
Be kind and gentle do good deeds
Drink spring water and exercise 
Stay the course don't compromise
There's no way out we're all dead meat
Sing and dance till your times complete

Slow down
Dying process

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Better 455

Never perfect 
Always better

80 years just ain't enough
To taking in all this earthly stuff
I read and study all I can
And it seems like I just began
Way back when I thought I knew
I was too busy to pursue
The understanding that I now seek 
Now I know that's quite unique
I will keep my quest for knowledge churning
And be grateful that I can keep on learning

Never perfect
Always better

Monday, May 28, 2018

Final hour 454s

How important is this 
When perceived from
My final hour

Everything just seem so hard
Take another look from the cold graveyard
Life is brief even at its longest
Don't get lost in a self-made forest
Our thoughts create the world we see
We always choose the way we will be
Greet each day 
In a grateful way
Spread joy and kindness as you go
Our life springs from the seeds we sew 

How important is this
When perceived from
My final hour 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Broke 454 r

You're born broke you die broke 
Everything else is just fluctuation

Making money is no big deal
Study think and plan don't steal
Squirrel some away
For the next rainy day
Then spend your time learning
Give up on the yearning
Breath,chew and stay slim
Go swimming at the gym
Be grateful,kind and gentle
Our body is only a rental

You're born broke you die broke
Everything else is just fluctuation
J Vorhaus

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Action 454q

Unite intent 
With action

My plans are laid
My bills are paid
Now is the time
For a new paradigm
I've got the notion
Now get in motion
Live by your word
Don't get deterred
And then in the end
Peacefully ascend

Unite intent
With action
5/26/18 454q

Friday, May 25, 2018

Destiny 454p

Has no impact on our

Strive and strive and work real hard
And then wind up in a cold boneyard
All the things we thought would last
Are soon a part of the eternal past
But once in a while a bright star rises
And gets a lot of the best prices
As far as the rest we will do our best
To be kind and gentle and until we rest
Our destiny is set in stone 
Be grateful loving don't die alone

Has no impact on our
5/25/18  454p

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Unmet. 454o

The stage is set 
The possibilities unmet

Another chance another day
Will I mess around or make some hay
The weeks turn into years
And not much  appears
But every once in a while
I get versatile
And then a new plan arises
With more learning and surprises

The stage is set
The possibilities unmet

Monday, May 21, 2018

Thoughts 454m

Thoughts of the
Swirl around in my

I think of all that I would say
If once more I could convey
The thanks and love I feel today
For friends and family passed away
My father's jokes my mother's love
Mean more now that they've gone above
I'll learn from this to be gentle and kind
Till the time when I get reassigned

Thoughts of the
Swirl around in my

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Never ready 454i cc

Never ready 
Always imperfect
Start now

For sure tomorrow I will get underway
I know it will be a much better day
The stars will be right
I'll check them tonight
How grand it will be "tomorrow"
I've struggled so long
So what can go wrong 
I'll jump in the fray
And never delay
How grand it will be "tomorrow"

Never ready
Always imperfect
Start now
5/19/18  454i

Opinions 454 i

Never let the 
Lack of information
Keep you from having
Strong opinions

I know I am right
Do you wanta fight 
I have never been wrong
I've studied real hard
My sources unmarred
Now I'm singing the same song
Don't question my thinking
I haven't been drinking
Or                           Or
Ask Google

Never let the 
Lack of information
Keep you from having
Strong opinions
5/18/18. 454h

Freedom 454g

The freedom you seek 
Cannot be found by
Protecting fear

Fear is a signal the danger is near
A time to be vigilant and persevere
When things are pleasant and easy to do
Life is good but lessons are few
Lift heavy weights and get really strong
Or act from fear and just struggle along
Most fear is an illusion that we create
A sad tale of woe's that we narrate
Face your fright and step out bravely
Or allow fear and live on in slavery

The freedom you seek
Cannot be found by
Protecting fear
Guy Finley
5/17/18 454g

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Time 454f

Time is our 
Greatest asset

All I do is stupid shit
It will only last for a little bit
Dream,plan and really try hard
Then suddenly I'm in the boneyard
Life is good but it won't last
One day soon it will all have passed
How did we get here where are we going
There just no way of really knowing
No hope no exit only one
So laugh and play get out the sun

Time is our
Greatest asset

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Balanced 454e

Stay balanced
In both
Praise and censure

If I want to keep on learning
I'll give up all my silly yearning
To stand out and be really cool
Not just one more ignorant fool
So time is short and life is good
Why care if I'm miss understood
I'll take a stand and do my best
And forgo my concern about the rest

Stay balanced
In both
Praise and censure
5/15/18  454e

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Creation 454c

Step up to the
Grand pageant of
Self creation

I started out
Full of energy and doubt
With no understanding
Of what they were demanding
I was taught  useless shit
BY a boring halfwit
One day I began yearning
For all kinds of learning
Then books I devoured
And became slightly empowered

Step up to the
Grand pageant of
Self creation
5/13/18 454c

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Wake up 454b

Wake up
Settler this is
Get your head out
Of your ass day

I have been saying for years
That I'll start facing my fears
So that day has arrived
From now on I'll thrive
It will be great
I can't hardly wait
To actually pay attention
Without apprehension

Wake up
Settler this is
Get your head out
Of your ass day
5/12/18  454b

Friday, May 11, 2018

Simplicity 454a

Requires ruthlessness

Buy lots of stuff and store it away
Or save up your money for the next rainy day
Be tough about stuff
We all have enough
Keep just what you need
You'll have space guaranteed
For a dog and a cat
And a soft yoga mat
Close relationships and exercise
Will help you stay depressurize

Requires ruthlessness
5/11/18 454a

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Waisted 454

I Wasted Time 
Time wasted me

I'll pick and choose how I spend my time
There is more to do then just sit and rhyme
Most of the life has passed me by
This morning it seems like a blink of the eye
Cancer, cataracts painful knees
I'm falling apart by increasing degrees
Life has never been this good
But still there's much to be understood
I will read and study be gentle and kind
And except what's next with calm resign

I Wasted Time
Time wasted me

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Relentless 453 D

The relentless onslaught
Of the forces we have put
In motion

When we make a decision
To create a great vision
When our power is aligned
And our plan is defined
Our world will change drastically
I can't say that more emphatically
Or stick with what you know
Breathe deep and let go
Everything is so temporary
Especially this stupid commentary

The relentless onslaught
Of the forces we have put
In motion

Monday, May 7, 2018

Wonder 453b

See all phenomena  
With a feeling
Of wonder

Our world is mysterious
Lots of time I'm delirious
I run around with great urgency
Making everything an emergency
Today is a one-shot affair
I will slow down and take care
To see with amazement
And act with engagement
Play my part in this drama
While I avoid major trauma

See all phenomena 
With a feeling
Of wonder

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lucky 453a

Prepare to
Get lucky

Fate has a way
Changing our day
When Lady fortune comes by
With the glowing in her eye
It's time for some actions
Forget the distractions
She may never come back
So launch your attack
Take a strong stand
And your world will expand

Prepare to
Get lucky

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Climb 453

Down one hill
Up the next

Did you ever arrive
And were sure that you'd thrive
But then find that the place
Was just the first leg of the race
So pack up your stuff
Don't get in a huff
 the next hill
Take in the view with a thrill
And always remember
That all this bullshit
Can come to a screeching halt
Any second

 Down one hill
Up the next
Carl Iannotti 
5/5/18 453

Friday, May 4, 2018

Yet 452

Don't give up  

Study,think and plan
Try as hard as you can
Climb the highest mountain
Toss coins in the fountain
Plant berry bushes and sweet apple trees
Get a pilots license or learn Japanese
But there will come a time soon
That's never opportune
When it's time to let go
And drop out of the flow

Don't give up

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Freedom 451f

Freedom is not a right 
It's a responsibility
Ours for the taking

Sit still,listen do what you're told
We are taught to obey and be tightly controlled
Time passes fast
And old habits last
So if you want to be free
You must disagree
With all the crap that you learned
And proceed unconcerned
Harm no other do what you say
Challenge yourself get into the fray

Freedom is not a right
It's a responsibility
Ours for the taking

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Dead forever 451e cc

It takes as 
As it takes

I can't wait till I'm through
There's so much to do
Then 50 years flew by
As the end draws near
There's nothing to fear
I'll finish the plan
Whenever I can
If not              So what
Dead forever
Never to remember
All is well

It takes as
As it takes
5/2/18 #451e

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Direct 451 d


Lay out the plan
As exact as you can
Run through it twice
Be clear and precise
As soon as it's rolling 
Check how it's going
If something needs changing
Then start rearranging
You never know in the beginning 
What is going to need thinning

5/1/18 451d