Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chance 2/26/20

One more chance 

The days come and go at and accelerating pace
With all that I learned it still seems like a race
What's of value what should I do
Be kind and loving till I'm through
Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff and the Buddha we're clear
If I fix my head there will be nothing to fear
Meditate, study and hang out with great minds
I'll stay cool, collected and write some neat rhymes
Make the most of today it may be my last
80 years have raced by incredibly fast
 2/26/20 day 29,335

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Promise 2/23/20

The promise of a sunny day   
Glows below the horizon
A flight of noisy geese
The crunch of frozen grass
Under my bare feet
Gleeful gratitude
Radiates this incident
Death is later
This is now
All is well

2/24/20 day 23,331

See it small 2/23/20

See it small
It complicated

Think about it forever
Try not to risk anything
Create detailed plans
That cover every possible contingency
If it becomes difficult
Quit and start something else
After you think about it forever
Be sure to stay outside your expertise

See is small
It complicated


Friday, February 21, 2020

Gardening 2/21/20

Is the favorite pastime for

There are so many reasons to grow our own food
And to prepare it myself & make sure that it chewed
To be out in the sun with my hands in the dirt
Planting and weeding keeps me calm and alert
Every day things change and grow
Salad greens are the first to show
Then rhubarb, kale baby carrots and beets
Blueberries, blackberries and strawberry for treats
Then all of a sudden the fall harvest is here
I'll freeze and dehydrate it for the rest of the year
2/21/20 day 29,232

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sweet spot 2/21/20

Sweet spot 

We picked a sweet spot in all of history
To be born into this incredible mystery
And now in addition to just being alive
We changed the world so we can thrive
Get enough to eat and a little spare time
So an idiot like me can sit and rhyme
There has been no concern for sustainability
Or how all the debt will create future instability
It's been really great to live this way
But sad that the future will have to pay

2/21/20 day 29,231

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

See 2/20/2020

83% of all sensory perceptions 
Are received through our eyes

It's not what we see but the way we look at it
I can create gratitude, joy or an angry fit
The next thing is mostly out of our control
But I can always using to forge my soul
Whatever happens will not last
Soon everything will be in the past
The best I can do is be grateful right now
And to lady fortune always gracefully bow
Life is good

Settling 2/19/20

Settling in a 

Think of how our world has changed
Almost everything has been rearranged
From horse and buggy to a Boeing jet
Now 23 trillion in national debt
Smart phones ,drones and packaged food
Instagram & Facebook "likes" to be pursued
Life is very different but the game is the same
I'll be kind ,loving and forget about blame
Walk in the woods and hang out with friends
Be grateful and keep learning until it all ends

2/19/20 day 29,329 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Education 2/17/20

Kids should be with 

Most adults can teach reading and writing
Without all the bullying and fighting
Kid cultures have unwholesome ways
Gossip, fashion and a few outcast strays
It's a different world we're living in today
Knowledge is free and easy to convey
Give them problems that they can solve
And watch how fast that they will evolve
Example teaches much more than words
Keep them home away from the herds
2/17/20 day 29, 328

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Petty concerns 2/18/20

I'll step back 
From all my small minded
Petty concerns

Just this morning I had a breakthrough
Another chance to change my view
Every morning as I prepare the dogs food
Our cat jumps on the table & acts really rude
He claws at the plate and makes a big mess
And me in my ignorance I allow distress
This is a big lesson that I finally have learned
To give up all of my small minded concern
Gratitude can be the elixir of life
I will remember that when I experience strife

!2/18/20  day 29,327

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Maybe 2/16/20


They were messing around with atom colliding
And all of a sudden they got them dividing
The whole planet went poof nothing left but rubble
And the telescope look down from the eye of Hubble
There was no one to see what the scientistic had done
Not one living child to laugh and have fun
The pyramids and the coliseum had all going away
Because a few scientists got money to play

Maybe not
2/16/20 day 29,325

Time 2/15/20

I can't save time 
And time can't save me

The best I can do is
Sow some seeds
And pull some weeds
Create a list
Of things I missed
I will plan ahead
And do what I said
Be loving and kind
Except my decline
Go peacefully on
To the great beyond
2/15/20  day29,344

Friday, February 14, 2020

Morning delete 2/14/20

Morning delight 

This morning before the clock turn three
Our nutty cat came and laid down on me
He purred real loud and licked my hand
Trying to make me understand
The time be damned he wanted to eat
Nothing about him is the least bit discreet
Then Peanut our dog started to wine in my ear
I got their message it was loud and clear
With joy & good humor I krept down the stairs
And directly addressed both of their cares
All three of us now sit in the warm fires light
They doze off and I wonder what to write
This early start of my 29,323rd day on earth
Is a celebration of gratitude and mirth 
There's no other place or no better time
That I can imagine to sit around & rhyme 
2/14/20  day 29,323

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Mirth 2/11/20


I sit here on planet Earth
Filled with joy and great mirth
Everything seems real funny
Even losing lots of money
One more plan is turned to shit
I'll learn and smile as I take the hit
Most people learn by the time they're eighty
Not to start anything to weighty
I'll swim at the Y and have lunch with friends
And be grateful and kind till it all ends

2/11/20  day29,320

Monday, February 10, 2020

Light 2/10/20


Turn back the night
Bring up the light
Stand up for what's right
Wage the good fight
With all of your might
To an extraordinary height
It will be a grand site
Or just more fools delight
2/10/20  day 29,319

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Time 2/9/20


Time is life and life is time
And all I do is sitting rhyme  
If I'm ever gonna make a mark
I better start while there's still a spark
Everything has been preparation
A long and painful education
I will spread the bullshit of my creation
And fill the masses with inspiration
Rave on fool your time has passed
Eighty years and it's been a great blast

2/9/20 day 29,318

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Choice 2/6/20


Everything seems so funny these days
I think it's because I stepped out of the haze
Of the illusion that makes everything real
And I finally realized that I create how I feel
All this activity will soon come to an end 
And there's nothing that I need to defend
Politicians, taxes, religion or art
Here's the lesson I'd like to impart
Whatever happens I always have a choice
To give gratitude, kindness & compassion a voice
2/6/20 day 29,315

Brake 2/8/20

What a break 
Waking up on planet earth

It took me 50 years to learn how to live
With comfort, good health and something to give
So now I'll teach what I still need to learn
And keep it light and joyous at every turn
Mirth, good humor and gratitude
Are the building blocks of right attitude
I've study & trained  to except what comes next
To do it peacefully without getting perplexed
If you think I can help just give me a call
Maybe there's a drama that we can forestall

2/8/20 day 29,317

Friday, February 7, 2020

Time Storm 2/7/20

Time storm 

Time is nowhere but in my head
Will I keep rushing around until I'm dead
So many books and emails  unread
I'll study, question and not get misled
Analyze the past to learn what's ahead
And except it gracefully without any dread
Big insights sometimes hanging by a thread
After all this high thinking I'll head up to bed

2/7/20 day 29,316

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Choice 2/6/20


Everything seems so funny these days
I think it's because I stepped out of the haze
Of the illusion that makes everything real
And I finally realized that I create how I feel
All this activity will soon come to an end 
And there's nothing that I need to defend
Politicians, taxes, religion or art
Here's the lesson I'd like to impart
Whatever happens I always have a choice
To give gratitude, kindness & compassion a voice
2/6/20 day 29,315

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Relearning 2/5/20


So much of what I thought I knew
Wasn't even close to true
My parents taught me how to eat
White bread, sugar and feedlot meat
In school I learned how to be controlled
Sit still, keep quiet and do what you told
The Navy taught me how to march and sing
And that my C O was just like a king
Now 60 years have come and gone
And I'm up and reading before the dawn
So many books so little time
I'll study, learn and write another rhyme
2/5/20 day 29,314

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Head rot 2/4/20

What I've learned about managing
Head rot
1 gleefully except all the careless things
  I do over and over and over
lost cellphone lost glasses etc
2 write it down at once always have a list
  of everything I want do
3 create a remember to remember list
 stand straight-breath deeply-smile-
 ask questions-don't interrupt-be kind-
 exercise-keep your word-show up on time
 chew your food-be mindful and always be 
 2/4/20 day 29,313

Monday, February 3, 2020

A glow 2/3/20

Sun on the snow life is a glow
I'll stay calm, soft and go with the flow
I made lots of history
(Almost 30,000 days)
And life's still a mystery
The greatest thing that I have learned
Is to make this my only concern
To be peaceful and grateful when I react
This will have by far the greatest impact
On experiencing life
Without any strife

2/3/2020 day 29,312

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pals 2/2/2020

Pals to the end 

Me and my dog here on planet earth
I rub his head and I'm filled with mirth
The joy he brings me is no small thing
We sit by the woodstove and wait for spring
Every morning he curls up to my head
And wines in my ear that he wants to be fed
He's old I'm old both soon to be dead
Together will face whatever is ahead 

2/2/2020 day 29,311

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dead man 2//1/20

Dressing a
Dead man

All of what I say and do
And everything that I pursue
Are lost in time and have no meaning
Alive right now but I'm careening
Like all living things to a transformation
And maybe some kind of revelation
Now the coffee's good & the fire's hot
I can't believe I'll get dead and rot
It's true I know but I'm alive right now
To be grateful, joyous & eat healthy chow
Day 29,310  2/1/20