Monday, April 30, 2018

Celebrate 451c


Wow this is really great
Or just something else to terminate
Opinion rains in every thought
Finding the truth is rarely sought
When we react it's from opinion
Let Joy and change be your dominion
Now is the time this is the place
Grit your teeth and get in the race


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Stupid 451a

Just because I do 
Stupid things all the time
Doesn't mean I'm stupid

I was sure that it would work
But it turned out to be one more quirk
In my flawed and hurried  reasoning
It became another dose of seasoning
Then again some other plan arose
A list of yes or knows I did compose
It all look great
I took the bait
And charged ahead
Like a thoroughbred
But my higher vision
Was just one more collision
With a quick lame decision
More than once good fortune came my way
Then hard work and good help save the day

Just because I do
Stupid things all the time
Doesn't mean I'm stupid
4/28/18 #451a

Friday, April 27, 2018

What they see. 451

Kids listen to what
You say 
but they do what 
they see

It's not just our kids but all we know
Who are influenced by the values we show
A miss placed promise,a small white lie
Or showing up on time with spirits high
The things they learn from watching us
Will shape the way that they adjust
Example is our greatest teaching
It says much more than all our preaching 
When you're with your kids be loving and kind
It will help them build a peaceful mind

Kids listen to what 
You say 
but they do what 
they see
4/27/18 #451

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Right time 450a

It's never the perfect 
Time to start
It's always the right time
To start

Plan and plan
For a whole life span
Get in motion
Start a commotion
There's always some reason
It's not the right season
Today is the day
To get the plan underway
Not one more excuse
It's time to produce

It's never the perfect
Time to start
It's always the right time
To start
4/26/18  450a

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Time 450

Is just a place to
Practice awareness

The playground of the mind
The quarry of the spirit
Aware of what the question is asked
Of right here now forget the past
The future is just a speculation
Another chance for observation
To watch our little world unfold
And stay amazed as we grow old
At the crazy stuff that people do
That includes both me and you
The greatest skill that we can learn
Is to be kind and grateful at every turn

Is just a place to
Practice awareness
4/26/18  #450

Matter 449i

Mind over matter 
If you don't mind
It don't matter

I always said
My only trouble is in my head
When everything is smooth and slow
It's easy to remember what I know
When it all starts coming fast and quick
It gets really hard to stay on the stick
I remind myself we are all dead meat
And even one more day's a treat
So be kind and generous live without fear
Be grateful loving and go in good cheer

Mind over matter
If you don't mind
It don't matter
Leon Beach
4/24/18  449i

Monday, April 23, 2018

Future. 449h

The future 
Hinges on how
I pass this day

Another day another chance
I can make music,singing dance
Or plant some seeds
And pull some weeds
Read and study thinking plan
Be as helpful as I can
Time is short and life is good
There's not much else to be understood

The future
Hinges on how
I pass this day
4/23/18 #449h

Sunday, April 22, 2018

List. 449g

If it's not on the  
It will never exist

When it comes to mind I write it down
And mostly I just carry it around
But sometime when the stars are right
I can cross it off with great delight
Memory has some tricky glue
Don't try to remember what to do
Write it down and check it daily
Things will change as you do them gaily 

If it's not on the
It will never exist
4/22/18 #449g

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Read 449f cc

Learn with ease what
Others have struggled
To understand

When I was young I knew it all
Yet to take my first big fall
Then I found myself on a long commute
Many books I read while in route
The more I read the less I knew
My profound ignorance came into view
Learning is like a mountain climb 
The higher you get the more things rhyme
So read what others have come to know
And wisdom's light may begin to glow

Learn with ease what
Others have struggled
To understand
4/21/18 #449f

Friday, April 20, 2018

Plan. 449e

A grand plan
Then yesterday
All over again

Starts the same old way
Feed the dog feed the cat start the coffee up
Read and study thinking plan saver my 1st cup
Then take a shower hot then cold
Write some bullshit and maybe some gold
Now is the time to make a list
Of all the things that I have missed
And delude myself one more time
That I'll do something besides this rhyme

A grand plan
Then yesterday
All over again
4/20/18 #449e

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Question everything 449d cc

Question everything 
Assume nothing

Only a sleuth
Can get to the truth
Big companies are selling
Politicians are yelling
They pull facts from the air
Talk nonsense with flair
So how do we know
What's real or a show
Study and ponder
Till you're taken up yonder

Question everything
Assume nothing

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Get. 449c

Do what you
And get what you
Everything has got a price
Time is all we sacrifice
Study practice work and planned
If you're lucky a long lifespan
No complaints no regrets
Natures fair with what we gets
Be joyous generous and kind
And you'll never be maligned

Do what you
And get what you
4/18/18 #449c

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Feel. 449b

People forget what you 
Say and do
But not how you 
Make them feel

Skunk cabbage fresh and green
Clustered around a cold high stream
Aprils song is loud and clear
Noisy brooks and skinny deer
Lawns and pastures all agleam
Just awoke from a long cold dream
All is well have no fear
Winters gone and spring is here

People forget what you
Say and do
But not how you 
Make them feel
Jen Sincere
4/17/18 #449b

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Past 449

Living in the past 
Is the best way to
Stay there

The past won't last it's just in my head
And that goes away soon as I am dead
But while I am still here
I'll be of good cheer
And help folks along
With a hand and a song
There is never a time
I can't make up a rhyme
About a future that glows
And a life that just flows

Living in the past
Is the best way to
Stay there
R Lowenstein 
4/15/18  #449

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Strength 448i


When I first began to play a tune
I tried and tried all afternoon
Study and practice day by day
Then after a wile I learned how to play
With steady effort I began to improve
And now some say I'm in a real groove
The lesson is clear
Be of good cheer
With effort and persistence
We can overcome all resistance

4/14/18 448i

Friday, April 13, 2018

Think. 448h

Don't worry what 
What people think
They don't do it
That much

I shined my shoes and combed my hair
And went to work without a care
I stood straight and sat erect
Toiled and labored but got no respect
No one noticed no one cared
What great value I had shared
Do your best forget the rest
That's the only worthwhile test

Don't worry what
What people think
They don't do it
That much
Tim Ferriss
4/13/18 488h

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Loose 448g

 Don't lose 
By standing

The next thing to do
Is always up to you
So many choices
Lots of loud voices
The projects you advance
Will only enhance
The future you dream of
And the things that you love

Don't lose
By standing
4/12/18 #448g

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Find a way 448f

I shall find a 
Or make one
Invenian viam aut faciam

My plan is quite clear
It's fruition is near
Or is that just a dream
Am I swimming upstream?
Persist and prevail 
Making excuses and fail
So how will it come out?
Triumphantly no doubt!

I shall find a
Or make one
4/11/18 448e

Monday, April 9, 2018

Outsmart 448e

Your shortcomings

Every morning I think
Today I won't drink
Then evening appears
And outcome the beers
Tomorrow's the day
To start a new way
Will it be my last chance
To take a strong stance

Your shortcoming
J Goldstein
day 28,387

 Outsmart 448e
Your shortcomings

Every morning I think
Today I won't drink
Then evening appears
And outcome the beers
Tomorrow's the day
To start a new way
Will it be my last chance
To take a strong stance

Your shortcoming
J Goldstein
day 28,387

Status quo 448d

Rile up the 
Status quo

My time will not last
Soon all will be past
So today is the day
To stop all the delay
And create something new
That's way overdue

Rile up the
Status quo
4/9/18 #448d

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Trouble. 448c

My only 
Is in my

The last time I was dead
I had no troubles in my head
Never to be weird
Nothing to be feared
Without any expectation
Then came a sudden acceleration
Sound, light and sensation
So soon resolved by expiration

My only
Is in my
4/8/18. #448c

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Ready 448b

When the student is 
The messenger will

All that I've learned is been preparation
And still I read on with great expectation
So far by far my greatest insight
Is to know I don't know and that comes from hindsight
Someday in the future it will all become clear
When I finally discover the right kind of beer

When the student is
The messenger will
4/7/18 #448b

Friday, April 6, 2018

Don't let 448a

Don't let who 
You are
Keep you from
Who you can be

There still maybe time
To create a great rhyme
About struggle and pain
And maybe some  gain
How to overcome fear
Without drinking beer
Read and study every day
Remember life is just child's play

Don't let who
You are
Keep you from
Who you can be
4/6/18 488a

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Developement 447d

Put your  
Development above
Personal pleasure
Petty self interest

There's so much to learn
That's of major concern
And so many new ways
To burn up the days
The Internet's great it connects us all
But like too much wine it can lead to a fall
Learn and study thinking plan
Be kind and helpful all you can

Put your
Development above
Personal pleasure
Petty self interest
4/4/18 447d

Monday, April 2, 2018

Ride. 447c

Buy the ticket
Take the ride

I can't get away
From the things that I say
And all that I do
Just seems to accrue
So from now on I will think
And not act in a wink
I will lay down good plans
Instead of thinking with my glands

Buy the ticket
Take a ride
Hunter Thompson
4/3/18   #447c

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Paint. 447b cc

We paint the days 
On the canvas
Of our lives

In the mornings first light
I sit here and write
Of the things that I will do
While the sky is still blue
And then once again
Like most other days end
The list stays intact
Because I don't act

We paint our days
On the canvas
Of our lives
4/2/18 447b