Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Candlelight 6/30/21 ss

A one time candlelight
In the
Dark silence of time

Our rooster is crowing and it's not yet dawn
What adventure will this day spawn
Start the coffee, feed the pets
Saver life without regrets
I'll spin a rhyme and make a list
Of all the undone things I have missed
This may be the last so I'll do my best
To stay loving, peaceful without  regret
Life gets better every year
As I realized there's not much to fear

A one time candlelight
In the
Dark silence of time
6/30/21 day 29,825

Thursday, June 3, 2021

6/3/21 Meaningless mind storms cc

Mind storms
In the heart of
Great possibilities

Always busy thinking thinking
When I should be drinking drinking
Dr. Marcola said 10 glasses a day
If it's hydrated you wish to stay
And then there's all this email stuff
I read and read but it's never enough
I just remembered what I should do
Figure out who to send my new book to
And call friends and family far and near
I'll do it now before I disappear

Mind storms
In the heart of
Great possibilities