Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Wisdom 12/31/19

This is not a test 
It's training
Pick up heavy weights
And get strong
Deal with a nasty pain in the ass
Do it with gratitude
Good humor and diligence
Gain resilience and
Do it every day and
Become one
Tough motherfucker
(That's one word)
day 20,279

Monday, December 30, 2019


This is a test
Pass or fail
And there will be another
                                        It's all staged for my
So when the Reaper
Shows up
I will be able to laugh
In his face
As he releases me from
My training

day 29,278

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Riding around
In a corpse

"I"often think of it as "my" leg
But it might as well be a wooden peg
It does what "I" tell it for just a while
"I" hope to give it up with style
"My" head is full of petty shit
"I" hardly ever use "my" wit
Soon "I'll" know if there's  more than meat
"My" trip through time will be complete

Riding around 
In a corpse 
day 29,277

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Start again

No place to stand
No safe harbor in this
Wind storm of time
Getting     ----    Better
Every instant is a
New chance
Start again 
day 29,276

Friday, December 27, 2019

Get through

This is not a pain in the ass 
Or something to
"Get through "
In this one instant 
I can choose to practice my
Only purpose
The project that defines 
All projects
The practice of creating
Joyful gratitude
No matter what kind of
Shit storm is coming down
day 29,274

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Get a dog

Like many things in life 
This higher being
Came to live with us by
Total chance
And the first thing we did
Was to get him mutilated
By our Vet
The plastic funnel around 
His neck
Had no impact on his appetite
Or his joyful greetings
That was over 10 years ago
Every day around 4 AM
He quietly whines in my ear
 About his hunger
He has been a continuous source of
Joy and good humor
Get a dog

day 29,272 
Xmas 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Just rotting away
All that's left is decay
It all went so fast
I thought it would last
So many bright days
Now lost in a haze
Sounds sad but it's not
I still don't know squat
There's so much to learn
Before I adjourn
I will study with gratitude
And a kind loving attitude

Day 29,271

Monday, December 23, 2019


Sit still
Keep quiet             Finish your food
Change your underwear
Stop crying             Make your bed 
Don't lie to me
Look at me when I'm talking to you
Put your things away
For Christ sake sit still
My training began
80 years later he says
Coming to earth
Was the best thing that ever happened
To me

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What I know

Here's what I know
 I don't know what I don't know 
 And I never will 
  I know a hell of a lot more 
 Then I used to know 
 And not as much as 
 As I'm going to now 
 If I keep living
One thing
I think I know is 
 I can train myself to keep 
 My head out of my ass 
More and more often
All is well
The longest nite of 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

On time #2

December 20 2019
Oneonrta New York
This time space coordinate only happens once
In the infinity of the universal unfolding
And if you agree to be there, then
Fucking be there
20 minutes early if you’re coming short distance
And a day early if you’re coming from Hong Kong
On time is a mindset

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Bet # 1

Make a bet that you can’t afford to lose 
Russian roulette
The rent money
Every once in a while the unlikely happens 
Take risks try new things
That’s where the spice of life resides
But stay away from projects that can kill you 
Or put you in a homeless shelter

Monday, July 15, 2019

Time 543

Big picture

It took me real long to get the picture
I thought misery was a permanent fixture
Lady fortune sent me a book
It helped me realize what it took
To lead the charge and take the helm
And give up all my overwhelm
Life is short and there is much to do
So study, learn and always review
Enjoy the scenery it won't last
Very soon it will all have passed

Big picture
7//15/19 #543  29,109 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Pain free 542

Hey old-timer
Move like you're alive
You'll be pain free for ever
Any time now

This is a very short-term situation
We are stumbling around in
Make the best of it
Be curious and
Learn wholesome life skills
Think, eat real food, study, keep your word,
Exercise, get enough sleep,stay hydrated
And always show up five minutes early
As far as I can tell this is a one-shot deal
I will stop wasting my time
On unwholesome mind states

Hey old-timer
Move like you're alive
You'll be pain free for ever
Any time now
5/26/19 #542 day 29,059

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Relentless 541


Time is life and life is time
And all I do is sit and rhyme
I'll choose with care the things I do
My days are down to just a few
I worked real hard and planned ahead
Never believed that I would wind up dead
But now it's clear my time has passed
And nothing I can do will last
So today with joy I'll do what's next
I'll be kind, helpful and not get perplexed

5/19/19 #541 day 29,052

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Only now 540


Howling winds and blowing snow
Another day the same old show
One by one the day is march by
Some day soon I'm going to die
But today can be the best one yet
I'll live it fully without regret
Study,learn and write some bullshit
Do push-ups, sit-ups and try to stay fit
Break the chains and charge ahead
There's a lot to do before I'm dead

5-1-19  #539

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Consistently do 538

It's not what you know 
It's what you
Consistently do

Think and study everyday
Be grateful and laugh as you decay
Tell the truth and keep your word
Stay lean and fit don't get deterred
Only ones will we live today
Let compassion light the way
Teach what most you want to learn
Don't let fear be of concern
Chew,stand stright and get lots of sleep
Be always ready to take a leap

It's not what you know
It's what you
Consistently do
Tony Robbins
3-24-19 #538

Monday, March 11, 2019

Pace 539

Keep up the pace 
We all lose the race

I sit and ponder how quick life goes
And sand the dead skin from my toes
This day can be the best one yet
I'll be kind and grateful without regret
Stand straight,relax there's still much to learn
Study and think there's no time to burn
There still may be time to create my vision
If I give up all my indecision
This may be the day
I'll stay out of the way

Keep up the pace 
We all lose the race
3-11-19 #539