Sunday, November 25, 2018

Yesterday 532

All over again

I swagger and stagger to my final reward
It was just yesterday they cut my umbilical cord
It happened so fast
I thought it would last
So what should I do with this day
Be kind and grateful as it fades away
Write some bullshit and eat healthy food
Exercise meditate be sure it's well chewed
There's nothing to get and no place to go
I'll be of good cheer and stay in the flow

All over again
11/26/18 #532
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Want 531

If you can't get
What you want
Learn to want
What you get

Most of life is attitude
Always turn to gratitude
Hard work and effort can change a lot
But sometimes all you get is squat
The winds of Fortune blow hot and cold
And if our response is uncontrolled
We miss the chance to see the humour
In all the stupid scandal and rumour
The fact is that we can learn to choose
How we react to the latest news

If you can't get
What you want
Learn to want
What you get
11/25/18 #531
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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mother time 530

Mother time fixes

Mother time will solve all my wows
From acid reflux to my fungus toes
I'm so grateful that I came to earth
Bad vision or cancer won't quell my mirth
Achy joints and noise in my ears
Its a small price to pay for so many great years
I'm falling apart as I get it together
Love and kindness are the only real measure
I will find something good in whatever comes next
And deal with it patiently without getting vexed

Mother time fixes
11/18/1 8 #530
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Past 529b

Living in the
Is the best way to stay
In the past

Most of what we see today
Are past decisions on display
We sow seeds without concern
And dislike the outcomes but never learn
To think and plan before we act
Create the best plan of attack
Time flies by at an exhilarating rate
As we come to realize we share one fate
Remain at ease be loving and kind
Stay fit & healthy while the days unwind

Living in the
Is the best way to stay
In the past
Rich Lowenstein
11/13/18 529b
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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hope. 529a

Give up all
Of a better

It's good to reflect on events of the past
Sometimes we extract lessons that last
But to whine, complain and wallow in regret
Will makes you tense and always upset
The past is the past it's over forever
Use what it taught in your next endeavour
The present is the only place
That we can win our daily race
Stay focused on the task at hand
And your skills and talents will expand

Give up all
Of a better
Lily Tomlin
11/4/18 #529a

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Status quo 529

The slow death
Of the
Status quo

Break the mold start something new
Your destiny is mostly up to you
Habit and routine have great power 
Exercise, study and meditate for an hour
Or a can of Coke and a bag of chips
Will rot your teeth and grow your hips
Use the power of habit to bring change
In the beginning it may seem strange
We can find value in whatever we do
Think, study and always review

The slow death
Of the
Status quo
11/1/18 #529
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