Thursday, August 30, 2018

Facts 484c

Are not

All facts are free and right in hand
Easy access on voice command
Facts are strands on the loom of knowledge
It may help a little if you go to college
Study and concentration are the threads
That weave understanding into our heads
See the humor and keep on learning
It may be wisdom that you earning

Are not
8/31/18 484c 

Respond 484b

Life is a
Respond without
Complaint or regret

Life is easy life is hard
We usually come away unmarred
The greatest skill there is to learn
To except what comes without concern
It's a skill to practice every day
Start this instant don't delay
It's not what happens it's how we frame it
We can grow and change or just submit
There's always something to be thankful for
So seeking out and complain no more

Life is a
Respond without
Complaint or regret
Joe Goldstein
8/30/18 484b

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Vision 484a

Past lessons
Present condition
Future vision

My past is long my future short
What's a great lesson can I extort
Study and train how to manage my mind
Be grateful, loving and never unkind
It's not what happens but how we react
That far and away has the greatest impact
Having a vision will help set a clear course
But staying peaceful is our greatest resource
So pursue your vision with patience and zest
Our little drama is just a great cosmic jest

Past lessons
Present condition
Future vision
8/29/18 484a

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Convention 484

The liberating
Of convention

There is a agreement to drive on the right
To always stop when you see a red light
People that rob and steal are very rare
You can do what you want with your  own hair
My mother said don't throw things in others
Treat everyone like their sisters and brothers
But there's a dark side to what most people do
They excepted news without thinking it through
 Set your own path and always be grateful
Be kind and gentle never act hateful

The liberating
Of convention
8/28/18 484

Monday, August 27, 2018

Final 483b

Most failure
Isn't fatal
Success is never

Success is great I've had a few
But it's in the failures that I really grew
What is success but a definition
Ambition, position, exhibition, recognition
Set your goals with thought and care
Life is a very short affair
Skills and knowledge are all we own
Everything else can be overthrown
All we're doing is passing thru
Be kind and gentle and enjoy the view

Most failure
Isn't fatal
Success is never
8/27/18 483b

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Fools 483a

It's the fools
That make the

Look at history what a mess
In spite of that there's been progress
Now one man can kill a million
Most of them will be civilian
In many ways these are the best of times
I get to drink coffee & write stupid rhymes
Every year they pass thousands new laws 
Only a few have any good cause
Stay away from the fools
And make your own rules

It's the fools
That make the
8/26/18 483a

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Anywhere 483

The road from
Leads anywhere

28,785 days have passed since I started
Almost all were completely charted
Today will probably be the same
No one else but me to blame 
Any day I can choose to change
I can my whole life rearrange
I'll go down the driveway and take a right
Catch a ride or walk all night
Build a raft and float down the river
Or once again sit here and consider

The road from
Leads anywhere
8/25/18 483

Friday, August 24, 2018

Plant 482

Don't judge this day
By the harvest
But by the seeds
You plant

Work and sweat as you plant each row
You never know how things will grow
It may not rain or there will be an early snow
Earthquake,fire or maybe a flood
Your seasons work may turn to mud
 The best laid plans sometimes go awry
No matter how much you think and try
But if you don't sow you will never reap
No matter how long and hard you weep

 Don't judge this day
By the harvest
But by the seeds
You plant
BL Stevenson
8/24/18 482

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Security 481a

The insecurity

I used to think there was a place to stand
Somewhere off in the future land
Everything would be safe and nifty
If I could just stay calm and thrifty
Money's great but it doesn't stop the clock
The same with all that blue chip stock
Most of my future has become past
Now it's clear that there's nothing that last
So wake with joy and live with zest
There is no hope so just do your best

The insecurity
8/23/18 481a

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Learn 481

You can't learn
What you 
Thank you already

Decades pasted and I have  become less certain
That I had an idea what was behind the curtain
I begin to question what I thought was true
As technology uncovered so much that is new
It became clear more than ever before
That I can't be sure what's behind the next door
We will never know what we don't know
That insight adds much juice to the to show
So live in peace and have a grand vision in mind
And always be grateful,happy and kind

You can't learn 
What you 
Thank you already
8/22/18 481

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

solution 480

Not enough time
To do it right
Always enough time
To do it over

Rush,rush,rush get it done
Always fixing things on the run
Then 50 years pasted
Now it's easy for me to see
Exactly what was wrong with me
The half ass solution
Never time for real resolution 
Fix it quick it may last forever
Or just 15 minutes "whatever"
Now I'm old and take my time
And came up with this stupid rhyme

Not enough time
To do it right
Always enough time
To do it over
8/21/18 480

Monday, August 20, 2018

Unique 479

The best is yet
To come

All I do is get up and piss
Too bad my life has come to this
I once had a great strong bladder
I could drink all night it didn't matter
Now I'm old and have started to leak
I used to think I was so unique
Soon I'll probably wear a diaper
Hope I'll never need a wiper
Life is great more fun than ever
Time to start a new endeavour

The best is yet
To come
8/20/18 479

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Use 478a

The brain is not
For so much

Computers, smart phones, Internet
Newscast, podcast, national debt
Concerts, movies, sports events
Hackers, protesters, malcontents
We are creatures designed to survive
And procreate to keep the race alive
It's no wonder we have all these ills 
The most used drugs are crazy pills
Be kind and peaceful think and sit
Turn off the screens and don't transmit

The brain is not
For so much
8/19/18 478a

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Learning 478

Develop a yarning 
Life long learning

When we are young we think we know
All about this wild and crazy show
But as we study we come to see
That learning is just a matter of degree
We will never know what we don't know
No matter how much we study and grow
Facts are plentiful but wisdom is rare
Try to be kind,grateful and fair
Learn something new every day that you live
And after a while you'll have much to give

Develop a yarning 
Life long learning
8/18/18 478

Friday, August 17, 2018

Bold? 477d

There's a fine line
Stupid and bold

Whatever it takes to get you started
To sail off into waters uncharted
Sometimes the line switches back and forth
You start out south and wind up north
Stupid is good if it gets you in motion
Even if it's just one more commotion
Skills and knowledge are all that we own
Wealth and possessions are way overblown
Don't be concerned what others may say
Bold or stupid get started today

There's a fine line
Stupid and bold
8/17/18  477d

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Now 477c

A bee on a 
A leaf on a

All we ever have is now
To sister fate we always bow
But still there's much that we can do
Most is routine but sometimes new
Smell the coffee watch the sunrise
This day may hold a great surprise
Some seed of wisdom in disguise
Take up some challenge work real hard
No one gets through this life unscarred
So watch the show with disregard

A bee on a
A leaf on a
8/16/18 477c

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fath 477b

Have unshakable faith
In the yet

Every thing that we are taught
Started out as someone's thought
Electricity, plumbing,central heat
Television and movies what a treat
All the luxuries that we take for granted
Were once a thought seed someone planted
So dream big dreams and make a plan
Have unshakable faith and know you can
Every week there is something new
Change the future it's up to you 

Have unshakable faith
In the yet
Jen Sincero
8/15/18 477b

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Luck 477a

I'll never give up
Before I die
I may have a streak of Luck
The wizard of Menlo Park
Tom Edison
He thought of a way to bring light to the night
It took 1,000s of tries before it was right
He found many things that would glow for a while
But nothing that would last for more than a trial
His vision was clear he would have his way
There was something that would turn nite into day
Legend has it it was more than 10,000 he tried
He never gave up he would not be denied
Some say what incredible creativity
I say it looks a lot more like tenacity

I'll never give up
Before I die
I may have a streak of Luck
8/14/18 477a
Tom Edison

Monday, August 13, 2018

Create 477

Create an experience
Don't have one

Design a life
That's free from strife
And all you'll get it 
Are possibilities unmet
Jump right in get in the shit
Use your head and stretch your wit
Learn a new skill
Keep headed uphill
And before you know it 
You'll be rich and fit

Create an experience
Don't have one
8/13/18  477

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Possibilities 476a

And wreathing
Through the possibilities

Look around and pay attention
Dump all the stupid apprehension
Most all our troubles are point of view
Stepped way back and look a new
Where most see trouble and just complain
Few see opportunity and make great gain
Find the good in every situation
Focus on it with determination
So much of life's attitude
Smile and laugh with gratitude

And wreathing
Through the possibilities
8/12/18 476a

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Now 476

There's no 
Sometime it's
This Time or never

There's no future only now
To lady fortune we almost bow
The best laid plans of mice and men
Often wind up in history's dust bin
So be here now and smell the flowers
Run and dance in the springtime showers
Now is when it all takes place
Don't turn it into some kind of race
Be happy, present stay aware
And always do it with lots of flair

There's no
Sometime it's
This Time or never
8/11/18 476

Friday, August 10, 2018

Order 475i

Seeking order in 

The world is messy and always changing
Our best move is to keep  rearranging
Put things back and pay attention
This will quell most apprehension
Always keep your workspace neat
It will make it look like the jobs complete
We don't know much and never will 
So study daily and develop great skill

Seeking order in
8/10/18  475i

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Today 475h

A one time candlelight
In the
Dark silence of time

Our rooster is crowing and it's not yet dawn
What adventure will this day spawn
Start the coffee, feed the pets
Saver life without regrets
I'll spin a rhyme and make a list
Of all the undone things I have missed
This may be the last so I'll do my best
To stay loving,peaceful and not get depressed
Life gets better every year
As I realized there's not much to fear

A one time candlelight
In the
Dark silence of time
8/9/18 475h

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Savor 475g

Gleefully savor the

The Donald tweeted this the Donald said that
He may even get us into some kind of combat
North Korea is shooting off missiles
Lots of women are blowing off whistles 
Twenty trillion in the national debt
The  Donald says there's nothing to sweat
Visit a "food store" and see what we eat
Cans and boxes that are mostly sweet
"Healthcare" means taking lots of pill
Don't bother learning any self-care skills

Gleefully savor the
8/8/18 475g

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Larger 475f


                                                           The possibilities
                                                            much larger that
Most people

How quick things change with daily study
Our world is like the sculptures putty
We can change and shape it with our well
As long as we're willing to pay the bill
Study, think and try real hard
Except your flaws with disregard
The only failure is to not keep trying
To sit around with a lot of sighing
So dream big dreams and forge ahead
It don't mean shit you'll soon be dead

The possibilities
Are much larger than
Most people
8/7/18 475f

Monday, August 6, 2018

Dought 475d

Sometimes right
Sometimes wrong
Always in doubt

There are few things that I'm really sure of
Gravity, sunrise and rain from above
But much of what we humans create
Is wide open for us to debate
How to heal the sick and what's good to eat
Are almost completely obsolete
Take some pills and eat canned foods
We are fat, unhealthy and in bad moods
Borrow and borrow get deeper in debt
There's no way to know when it will reset

Sometime right
Sometimes wrong
Always in doubt
Bill Bonner
8/6/18 475d

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Causes 475c

We are like children                      
Who shirk from suffering
But love is causes

I know this stuffs not good to eat
But I worked so hard I need a treat
One more glass of wine can't hurt
Then we'll eat that great dessert
I will get more sleep when things slow down
It's a waste of time just laying around
I'll exercise and get strong and fit
Starting tomorrow I will really commit
We do what we want but there's always a price 
Consider the consequences thats my advice

We are like children                      
Who shirk from suffering
But love is causes
Shante Dava
8/5/18 475c

Friday, August 3, 2018

Closer 475b

Every minute it
Doesn't rain it
Gets us that much closer 
To the next rain

Bitcoin is soaring
The economy is roaring
Stocks are at an all-time high
It's easy to forget
The size of the debt
Common sense doesn't seem to apply
In 28 they were yelling
In 29 they were selling 
Reality they could no longer deny
Buy gold and silver

Every minute it
Doesn't rain it
Gets us that much closer 
To the next rain
8/4/18 475b

Jewels 475a

Mine the mind
A few jewels
From all the rubble

From dawn to dusk we're always thinking
Once in a while we get a small inkling
Take this gem and think it through 
It may give you a different view
One new insight can change your life
Bring calm, peace and stop the strife
So pay attention and stay aware
Make this line your only prayer
Please Lord help me "Be Here Now"
Future and past I will disavow

Mine the mind
A few jewels
From all the rubble
8/3/18  475a

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Mind storms ss

Mind storms
In the heart of
Great possibilities

Always busy thinking thinking
When I should be drinking drinking
Dr. Marcola said 10 glasses a day
If it's hydrated you wish to stay
And then there's all this email stuff
I read and read but it's never enough
I just remembered what I should do
Figure out who to send my new book to
And call friends and family far and near
I'll do it now before I disappear

Mind storms
In the heart of
Great possibilities
8/2/18  475

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Action 474a cc

What is the next
Mission critical

Always busy never thinking
My greatest asset always shrinking
Take some time and figure out
What the next step is all about
Forget all else and take the leap
And finish it before you sleep
Sometimes things change really fast
My largest dream may come to pass
And then what
Happiness? Fulfillment? World peace?
Or just old fashion eternal death
What is the next
Mission critical
Tim Ferris