Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Learning 474

Is a gift even if
Pain is the teacher

Often learning can be of fun
I will keep it up till my life is done
But sometimes when the road gets rough
And you start to think you had enough
Some foggy notion becomes really clear
And all your doubts will disappear
Start a ruckus, getting in action
Give your big idea some traction
There's no failure only learning
Live with joy and keep things churning

Is a gift even if
Pain is the teacher
Dr Aradi Sghod
7/31/18 474

Monday, July 30, 2018

Destiny. 473f cc

Does this brick 
Fit in
The wall I'm building

Almost all the things we do
Cast a shadow out of view
It's all the small things that add up
Like a little sugar in each coffee cup
Draw something each and every day
In a decade or two you'll have a display
Graduation, marriage or divorce
Well put us on a different course
So I'll consider the choices I make
And hope that it's not just another mistake

Does this brick
Fit in
The wall I'm building


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Be 437e

Let the 
Mystery be

Simple joys and homespun pleasures
Love and kindness are the measures
A brief visit to a tiny sphere
Some laughs some tears we disappear
What's going on
Who can till
Some say heaven
Others say hell
Whichever it is the best we can do
Is to be kind and loving until we're through

Let the 
Mystery be
Iris Dement
7/29/18 437e

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Opinions 473c

Why have all these 

Almost all that we live through
Has not much to do with me and you
The only difference that most things make 
Are the petty judgments in which we partake
Why is it this way, who did that
It's always something it's like combat
Stop and think does this really matter
Doesn't make any sense to run such chatter
Really listen to the voice in your head
Seek out the good soon you'll be dead

Why have all these
8/27/18  473c

Contex 473b

Get out of 

The days fly by in comfort and routine
With very little that's unforeseen
But as I reflect back on my past 
The few lessons that really last
Came when I broke the mold
Stepped out and did something bold
When is the last time
You did something for the first time
For me it's been a long time

Get out of
8/26/18 473b

Do all 473d

Do what you
You will do

I sit by the fire and ponder my life
And feel grateful there's so little strife
Robert Services words resound in my ears
When he spun the yarn  of Sam McGee's fears
It ain't being dead thats my awful dread
It's the icy graves that pains
So I'm asking you to promise true
That you will create my last remains
So he says a "promise made is a debt unpaid"
For 50 years now has helped me do what I sayed

Do what you
You will do
8/27/18  473d

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Learn 473

You can't learn 
You think you already

I went to school and learned lots of stuff
For quite a while I thought it was enough
Then threw good fortune or just dumb luck
All my plans wound up in the muck
I was sure I knew what I should do
The universe showed me that it was untrue 
Now I know that I do not know
I think things thru and go real slow 
Remember you never know what you don't know
So be happy, grateful and enjoy the show

You can't learn 
You think you already
Epictetus 7/24/18/473

Ripple 473a

A tiny ripple
In the ocean of time
No consequence, no importance
Just one bubble
In the froth

Last night I got disturbed and grumpy
It was a simple project but it got bumpy
For years I knew that I create
How I experience my mind state
Have I finally learned this great lesson
And made last night my last regression

A tiny ripple
In the ocean of time
No consequence, no importance
Just one bubble
In the froth
8/25/18 473a

Monday, July 23, 2018

Doubt 472 cc

Often wrong  
In doubt

If I'm going to try I must believe
That the plan will work as it was conceived
Quell my doubts and charge right in
Only think about the win
As time passes things will change
And I'll see what too rearrange
Sometimes it's time to start a new
And keep on trying as my skills accrue

Often wrong  
In doubt
7/23 /18  472

Saturday, July 21, 2018

P ain't 471b

Pain is
Suffering is

The next thing is the same thing just backdrop
Where we perform our acts nonstop
Routine reigns and habit rules
We think we're smart but we're all just fools
In some play that we didn't signed up for
That only has one exit door
We can learn to choose how we react
Select joy & kindness and have great impact
We create almost all of our impressions
But  few see that it's at there discretions

Pain is
Suffering is
7/22/18 471b

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Old age471a

Die young
At a
Very old age

We make many decisions every day
That play a part in our decay 
A can of this a bag of that
Before you know it we're big and fat
Angry thoughts and lots of tension
Create a lot more then apprehension
They change our blood & disturb our sleep
Sometimes they even make us weep
Question all that you thinking do
A long healthy life is up to you

Die young
At a
Very old age
Dr S.Gundry
7/21/18 471a

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I am a Unfolding karmic Predicament cc

I am a
Unfolding karmic

Sometimes I think I run this show
But then I realize I'm in a flow
Of past decisions and dumb reactions
Not much planning and many distractions
We must all pay the price that's asked
For acts and choices that have long past
I can think and dream and lay my plans
And still wind up failing most exams
I'll be joyous, grateful and see the humor
Even if it's just a prostate tumor

I am a
Unfolding karmic
Ram Doss

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Leak 469

The great possibilities 
Leak into
The forever over

I came to earth without a plan
Then I lived out my whole lifespan
Now just because I'm old
Doesn't mean I can't be bold
And launch my last career
I know now there's not much to fear
I'll write many books and draw pictures
And finally sit and read the Scriptures
How great life is but it's gone to fast
When I was young I thought it would last

The great possibilities
Leak into
Forever over
7/18/18 469

Status quo 468c

Planning and dreaming 
And then
The status quo rained
Thousands of mornings have come and gone
I've been up for hours and it's not even dawn
Reading and writing catching up on email
The same as most mornings in every detail
The wood stove is glowing my coffee is hot
I plan all these books and never do squat
But today will be different
It will be really magnificent
I will write and write way into the night
It will flow like a river that goes out of sight
Planning and dreaming
And then
The status quo rained
7/17/18  468c

Sunday, July 15, 2018

To be 468a

To be
Rather then
To have

The things that I have can be taken away
But my skills are mine until the last day
Things are great they make life easy
If that's all you want it's kind of sleazy
World peace, family and friends
Will bring delight until it all ends
Be kind and generous dance and sing
We can make our life a joyous fling
Study,learn and build your knowledge
Make your life a perpetual college

To be
Rather then
To have
7/15/18. 468a

Friday, July 13, 2018

Everything 468

Everything is as trait 
As it is transitory

So much of what I thinking do
Has no more weight than the morning due
I get all worked up and rush around
And very soon I will be under ground
Today I'll breathe slowly and calm my mind
Be grateful, generous and always kind
It's all small stuff and cannot last
Be joyful, happy and make life a blast

Everything is as trite
As it is transitory
7/14/18 468

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Nonsense 467 cc


The first time that I tried to smoke
I was sure that I was going to choke
All the adults that I know
Puffed away the whole day through
I coughed a lot but I kept on smoking
I'd fit in even if I died choking
But very soon the miseries ended
And then I felt like now I blended
There was much concern about my shirts
Especially around the pretty skirts

Alan Sokol

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Dream 466b

Dream and scheme
Hurry and worry

I can always choose the road I take
It may be just one more mistake
But dreaming is a lot more fun
It keeps depression on the run
It helps us see all the possibilities
We learn and grow our capabilities
Worry sucks the joy from life
It causes trouble and lots of strife
So dream great dreams&laying your plans
Don't worry, complain or sit on your hands

Dream and scheme
Hurry and worry
7/12/18 466b

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Do less 466a

Do less
Get more

Busy busy all the time
Never anytime to rhyme
This day ahead will be gone forever
I'll choose carefully what I endeavor
Good decisions change things fast
Days fly by but outcomes last
Where in 5 years would I like to be
Rich and famous, thin and free?
I'll set my sales and stay the course
And then time will kill me without remorse

Do less
Get more

Monday, July 9, 2018

Ready 466

  • Always ready 
  • Never prepared

  • Jump right in and stir up the shit
  • I never stopped to use my wit
  • There's always time to fix it later
  • Even if the cost is greater
  • A half ass repair may last forever
  • Or just a minute maybe never
  • Learn some skills and pay attention
  • Live your life without convention

  • Always ready
  • Never prepared
  • 7/10/18 466

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Your right 465a

If you say
I can or
If you say I can't
You're right

Great ideas are everywhere
They come and go without fanfare
It's rare when one will get some traction
When all it takes is to get in action
Dreams plans and schemes are very nice
But just a few will pay the price
To say "I can"and forge ahead
And make a mark before they're dead
So when you speak of what you'll do
It's only you who can follow through

If you say
I can or
If you say I can't
You're right
H Ford
7/9/18 465a

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Mystery 465

Let the 
Mystery be

What am I doing where am I going
There ain't no way of really knowing
I make a guess & try something new
Then I would ponder while I did a review
The seasons change the rains always come
Sometimes I'm smart quite often dumb
The Romans build some coliseums
The Germans had their mausoleums
Birdsongs greet the early sunrise
I'll be kind and grateful to my demise

Let the
Mystery be
Iris DeMent
7/8/18  465

Let the 
Mystery be

What am I doing where am I going
There ain't no way of really knowing
I make a guess & try something new
Then I would ponder while I did a review
The seasons change the rains always come
Sometimes I'm smart quite often dumb
The Romans build some coliseums
The Germans had their mausoleums
Birdsongs greet the early sunrise
I'll be kind and grateful to my demise

Let the
Mystery be
Iris DeMent
7/8/18  465

Let the 
Mystery be

What am I doing where am I going
There ain't no way of really knowing
I make a guess & try something new
Then I would ponder while I did a review
The seasons change the rains always come
Sometimes I'm smart quite often dumb
The Romans build some coliseums
The Germans had their mausoleums
Birdsongs greet the early sunrise
I'll be kind and grateful to my demise

Let the
Mystery be
Iris DeMent
7/8/18  465

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Old 464a

Getting old
Ain't no place for

Sore joints and itchy eyes
Poor vision and sagging thighs
Getting old is some great trip
Even if I break a hip
Entropy is what I'm doing
But it's wisdom that I'm been brewing
The best of life is saves for last
I left all the miseries in the past
Now it's clear be of good cheer
I may not last another year

Getting old
Ain't no place for
Betty Davis

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Limits 464

Many plateaus 
Few limits

Looking back I can see clearly
That all my arrivals were merely
Just the way that I chose to think
In the chain of life it was just one link
Every aspect of what I do
Can be much more if I follow through
And still there's a lot that I can contribute
I'll give up all thoughts of any tribute

Many plateaus
Few limits

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Observation 463 b


Why do we do the things that we do
I often laugh when I sit in review
And think of how weekly my plans I purser
We can learn at any age
If in study we engage
Wisdom may become our wage
All we ever have is now
To father time we all must bow
Give up all hope and push our plow


Monday, July 2, 2018

Saver 463a

Saver the 
Existing inconvenience

The path to freedom is steep and rough
But that makes us resilient and tough
Hard becomes easy when we do it enough
Wine and complain tell all of your trouble
Tell them how life is nothing that struggle
And how all your dreams burst like a bubble
Study and practice create some great skill
Set your course so it's always up hill
Always remember you're building your will

Saver the
Existing inconvenience

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Do 463

It's not what we know
It's what we consistently do

I know that sugars not good to eat
But every day I consumed some treat
Exercise will keep them fit
But I only do a little bit
I really want to learn to rhyme
But I hardly ever take the time
Meditation will calm my mind
But I'm too busy and way behind
So tomorrow I'll make a new start
And make my life work of art

It's not what we know
It's what we consistently do
T. Robbins