Monday, December 31, 2018

Savor 537

Savor this

Long ago I had big plans
Now all I do is sit on my hands
I studied and pondered for a whole lifespan
And now I still don't understand
How I got here or where I'm going
I'll peacefully except there's no way of knowing
Time passes things change
Sometimes it's quite strange
With gratitude & love I'll except what comes next
I'll keep my inbox empty and not get perplexed

Savor this
12/31/18 day28,913 #537

Friday, December 28, 2018

Question 536

The answer is
Usually a
A well formed question

How do I decide what to do with my time
Empty the dishwasher or write some dumb rhyme
If I once figured out what I wanted to do
I would set some goals and then follow through
The days turn to years at a frightening pace
I wonder and blunder then stare off in space
What to do next
Don't get perplexed
The answer is it don't make any difference 
I'll be kind and grateful without any diffidence

The answer is
Usually a
A well formed question
12/28/18 # 536  day 28,910
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Training 535

Peacefully – Patiently
Except the next
Training session

Do it without any whining and complaining
This universal unfolding is staged for my training
All my reactions put forces in motion
I'll seek out the good and start a commotion
We can learn and change at every turn
 Or put on a face and act really concerned
Study and learn create a great plan
Be grateful and kind work as hard as you can
No matter how bad it seems to be right now
Take a deep breath & keep pushing your plow

Peacefully – Patiently
Except the next
Training session
12/26/18 #535
                                                                   watch on youtube

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Truck on

I'll truck on
Till I'm
Trucked out

Wash the dishes and cook the rice
Forget the fact that I'm on thin ice
I already passed the finish line
All my systems are in decline
And still this is the best time of life
Gratitude, joy and not much strife
There's more than ever to do and learn
And to make big change without concern
I'll lay my plans and charge ahead
And create some good before I I'm dead

I'll truck on
Till I'm
Trucked out
12/22/18 #534
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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Habit 533

To change is to 
Break the habit of
Being yourself

It's the way I am I just can't do it
I try and try but it's never a fit
I'll start with something simple and small
You can't walk until you learn to crawl
A thousand things make us who we are
Most makes sense but some are bizarre
Our parents parents teach them what they know
Whether helpful or hindering we take on that flow
Life passes fast I'll do my best
To stay calm, loving and not get depressed

To change is to 
Break the habit of
Being yourself
12/2/18 #533

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Yesterday 532

All over again

I swagger and stagger to my final reward
It was just yesterday they cut my umbilical cord
It happened so fast
I thought it would last
So what should I do with this day
Be kind and grateful as it fades away
Write some bullshit and eat healthy food
Exercise meditate be sure it's well chewed
There's nothing to get and no place to go
I'll be of good cheer and stay in the flow

All over again
11/26/18 #532
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Want 531

If you can't get
What you want
Learn to want
What you get

Most of life is attitude
Always turn to gratitude
Hard work and effort can change a lot
But sometimes all you get is squat
The winds of Fortune blow hot and cold
And if our response is uncontrolled
We miss the chance to see the humour
In all the stupid scandal and rumour
The fact is that we can learn to choose
How we react to the latest news

If you can't get
What you want
Learn to want
What you get
11/25/18 #531
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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mother time 530

Mother time fixes

Mother time will solve all my wows
From acid reflux to my fungus toes
I'm so grateful that I came to earth
Bad vision or cancer won't quell my mirth
Achy joints and noise in my ears
Its a small price to pay for so many great years
I'm falling apart as I get it together
Love and kindness are the only real measure
I will find something good in whatever comes next
And deal with it patiently without getting vexed

Mother time fixes
11/18/1 8 #530
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Past 529b

Living in the
Is the best way to stay
In the past

Most of what we see today
Are past decisions on display
We sow seeds without concern
And dislike the outcomes but never learn
To think and plan before we act
Create the best plan of attack
Time flies by at an exhilarating rate
As we come to realize we share one fate
Remain at ease be loving and kind
Stay fit & healthy while the days unwind

Living in the
Is the best way to stay
In the past
Rich Lowenstein
11/13/18 529b
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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hope. 529a

Give up all
Of a better

It's good to reflect on events of the past
Sometimes we extract lessons that last
But to whine, complain and wallow in regret
Will makes you tense and always upset
The past is the past it's over forever
Use what it taught in your next endeavour
The present is the only place
That we can win our daily race
Stay focused on the task at hand
And your skills and talents will expand

Give up all
Of a better
Lily Tomlin
11/4/18 #529a

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Status quo 529

The slow death
Of the
Status quo

Break the mold start something new
Your destiny is mostly up to you
Habit and routine have great power 
Exercise, study and meditate for an hour
Or a can of Coke and a bag of chips
Will rot your teeth and grow your hips
Use the power of habit to bring change
In the beginning it may seem strange
We can find value in whatever we do
Think, study and always review

The slow death
Of the
Status quo
11/1/18 #529
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Monday, October 29, 2018

Someday 528

When I have
More time

Someday when I have more time
I'll write some songs and epic rhyme
The days go by at a steady pace
But as I age they seem to race
I delude myself I'll have more time later
When it slows down & my powers are greater
For years I've planed to put up an eaves-trough
Definitely next spring I'll stop putting it off
I still think that later is a solid place 
Where there's still a chance to win the race

When I have
More time
10/29/18 #528
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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Now 547 a

No future
No past
Only now

I plan the future and mull the past
The truth of things is nothing last
Long ago I had a vision
That I'm learning to live without derision
The past is done it was sometimes fun
And the future is always just begun
Take refuge in the forever present
Stay grateful kind and always pleasant
Now all the things I choose to do
Put forces in motion for future review

No future
No pass
Only now
19/28/18 527a
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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ahead 527

Ahead of
Your head

All kinds of thoughts going every direction
Swirling around without any inspection
One way I found to take the helm 
Is to direct my thoughts to just one realm
Meditation and visualization are said to enhance
The way we learn, evolve and advance
90% of the time I read somewhere
Our conscious minds are unaware
Don't let all that head noise get you down
It's only a short time we're gonna be around

Ahead of
Your head
10/27/18  #527
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Friday, October 26, 2018

Excellence 526

Pursue excellence
Ignore fame

From the high ground of my 80th year
I can see how little there is to fear
It seems that the project of biggest concern
Is figuring out what's important to learn
For me it's been the knowledge and skill
Of how to respond with love and goodwill
And not be closed to others opinions
I'll let kindness and love be my dominions
All we have is a little time running out
Use it wisely and wisdoms seeds will sprout

Pursue excellence
Ignore fame
Rick Hanson
10/26/18 # 526
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Thursday, October 25, 2018

DNA 525

We are disposable
Carriers of

Nature's plan is simple and clear
Survive and breed then disappear
That glow of life from the primordial slime
Has traveled unbroken until our time
For a billion years it has evolved & changed
And now our whole world we rearrange
Airplanes, tanks, guns and bombs
Tool booth, hospitals and high school proms
In 100 years they'll be a whole new cast
But till the sun burns out DNA will last

We are disposable
Carriers of
19/25/18 #525
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Training 524

Most activity
Can be used
As training

There are many reasons we take action
Most of which are just distraction
There's always something new to learn
Pay attention at every turn
The greatest skill we can acquire
To create the mind states that we desire
Wine, complain or speak ill of anyone 
Lie, cheat or steal it cannot be undone
Seek out the good in what happens next
Never let yourself get vexed

Most activity
Can be used
As training
10/23/18 #524

Monday, October 22, 2018

Education 523

If you think
Is expensive try

When I was young I knew it all
Then came along my first big fall
Of course I could not except the blame
It was not my fault I lost the game
My first choice was always recreation 
I never thought much about education
After a while I realize it's what I knew
That will  usually determine what I do
So now I study every day
And in most things find my way

If you think
Is expensive try
Derek Bok
10/22/18 #523
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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Karmic predicament 522

I am a
Unfolding karmic

For reasons that are all unknown
I came to earth and had a home
With two loving folks without much training
That weren't able to do much explaining
Then God,good fortune or just dumb luck
Got me reading and somewhat unstuck
Decades past and I kept up my training
In every way I kept on gaining
So now at eighty I see clearly that
If you eat too much you're gonna get fat

I am a
Unfolding karmic
Ram Dass 
10/21/18 #522
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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Understanding 521

Understand the

Our world is full of man's creations
And all sorts of crazy nations
Battleships,airplanes and poison gas
Trillions in weapons we amass
All this stuff starts in one place
It's our thinking that creates this disgrace
Everything we make was once a thought
And almost all comes from what we are taught
Break the mold think up something new
Our world's future is up to you

Understanding the
L Guest
10/20/18 #521
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Friday, October 19, 2018

Do it 520

Write it down
Do it

If it's not on the list it doesn't exist
Write it down or it will be like a mist
Every morning I review yesterday's list
And write one today with whatever I missed
It's a very old habit that help me subsist
Form this habit and really persist
Or run in circles and always be pissed
Lord Habit rules us at every twist
So write it down it's an enormous assist

Write it down
Do it
Charlie Wiley
10/19/18 #520
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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Learn 519

  1. Teach 
  2. What you want to
  3. Really learn

  4. A lot of what I have learned is gone
  5. But if I repeat it all day long
  6. There is a chance that I may remember
  7. Like blowing on a glowing ember
  8. And if I'm teaching about how to live
  9. Good health fitness and how to give
  10. Kindness, compassion and making friends
  11. Being truthful and happy until it all ends
  12. It will remind me every day to walk my talk
  13. And not just stand around and gawk

  14. Teach
  15. What you want to
  16. Really learn
  17. 10/18/18/ #519
  18. Watch on youtube

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Just another

Big plans, high hopes the days go by fast
I have come to realize there's nothing last
I'll sit joyfully & watch the days come and go
Breathe deep, relax and get into the flow
To stay fit and healthy takes more than hope
Exercise, eat well and learn how to cope
The victories in life are when we stay calm
Even if someone sets off a bomb
The past and the future only live in our head
So live in the present there's nothing to dread

Just another
10/17/18 #518

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Compassionate 517

Be compassionate
To all beings

I am just one more of the walking dead
With many questions in my head
Now I know I'll never know
How I wound up in this crazy show
I was sure I knew how things come out
But now I'm not sure what will sprout
Ignorance is a lifelong condition
I won't let it get in the way of my mission
And that's to keep moving toward the light
Of kindness, gratitude and all that's right

Be compassionate
To all beings

Monday, October 15, 2018

Sad affair 516

A sad affair

Two days now the gray cats gone
I call and call and feel forlorn
Twice before she's not come home
We called & called but she chose to roam
I still have hope she's young and strong
That she will come home where she belongs

It's four months now since she has gone
 Every morning just at dawn
I open the door and call her name
So far the answer is always the same

And now another season has passed
I guess I've seen her for the last
She was pretty, graceful and always aloof
Pleasant, funny and sometimes a goof
One more pal has bit the dust
It's a sad affair but I will adjust

A sad affair
19/15/18 #516
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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Stupid 515

Too stupid
To be

Fear will keep you out of action
Stuck in some kind of pointless distraction
But stupid is great if it gets you in motion
Buy a dingy and sail across the ocean
If it doesn't kill you it will teach you a lot
Stay with it and soon you'll be driving a yacht
After a wile stupid becomes bold
If you're lucky it will happen before you get old
So get in motion take a big chance
Life is an adventure we can always enhance

Too stupid
To be
10/14/18 #515 
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Saturday, October 13, 2018


A brief glimpse
Of the unknown 
 the cloudy lens
Of ignorance

When I was young I was sure I knew
That I would do what I wanted to
Not one thought of the price required
I worked real hard and stayed inspired
On this still dark morning it's really clear
That hard work will only interfere
Great things grow from good decisions
Knowledge,teamwork & the right conditions
Be happy, kind and do your best
Very soon you'll be laid to rest

A brief glimpse
Of the unknown 
Through the cloudy lens
Of ignorance
10/13/18 #514
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Friday, October 12, 2018

Cigarette 513

One cigarette is
Too many
1000 is not enough

I was 12 when I first started smoking
It took lots of effort to keep from choking
Mom and Pop puffed away all day 
That's why I chose to disobey
They said do what we say
Not what we do
But all my friends were smoking too
It was 40 years before I withdrew
My parents were right
Don't partake of this blight

One cigarette is
Too many
1000 is not enough
10/12/18 513
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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Doom 512

Doom is
Gloom is

I used to think I had lots of time
To think up at least one great rhyme
It always seem so far away
Next year I'm 80 it could be any day
Plumbing, electric, indoor heat
TV, Internet. plenty to eat
I choose each instant how I react
Joy and good humor are not abstract
They are creations of my discerning
I will spread goodwill and keep on learning

Doom is
Gloom is
Seth Godin
10/11/18 512

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Do it 511a

I don't want to
I don't feel like it
I'll do it anyway

If all I did was what I like
I'd eat ice cream and ride a bike
Most of what I enjoy today
Is here because I jumped right in the fray
Exercise if you'd be fit
Read and study increase your wit
Too much coffee not enough sleep
Thoughtless acts pile up in a heap
Real balance is a tricky act
Everything we do has an impact

I don't want to
I don't feel like it
I'll do it anyway
1/7/18  day 28,564 #417
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Monday, October 8, 2018

Pleasure 510

The pleasure will
The consequences will

Put more ice cream on my cake
I worked real hard I need a break
Just one more beer before I go
Will really put me in the flow
How many times have I frowned at the scale
Or looked in the mirror and felt like a whale
It's always easy to start a diet tomorrow
And forget that plan always ends in sorrow
I'll take a stand and pretend I'm a grown up
Instead of acting like a hungry little pup
The pleasure will
The consequences will
10,8/18 510
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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Persistence 509

Peaceful persistence
Well overcome almost
Any resistance

If for 20 years I studied an hour a day
Today I'd be an expert in meany a way
Save just 10% of all that you earn
And soon you'll have no financial concern
Exercise just a few hours a week
And you will keep your fitness at its peak
Good health is it outcome of many decisions
I'll learn to choose only healthy provisions
Same with staying cool, calm and collected
I'll practice daily until it's perfected

Peaceful persistence
Well overcome almost
Any resistance. 
10/7/18 509
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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Choice 508

We always have
A choice
In our reactions

The Buddha had a message clear
But that ain't the way we talk over here
The message that I have for the masses
Learn to keep your heads out of your asses
It all begins with the simple truth
That should be taught to all of our youth
It's not what happens but how we react
Always choose gratitude this is not an abstract
It will change the way your whole life goes
This is real power not just stupid prose

We always have
A choice
In our reactions
10/6/18 508 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Astonishing 507

What we don't know
Is astonishing
Even more astonishing is
What passes for knowing

So many times I been absolutely sure
And then reality came through the door
I knew exactly how things would transpire
Then the unknowns would arise and conspire
To surprise me "again" with the unexpected
I'd mumble,grumble and feel really dejected
But after a long while I began to discern
What ever happens there's something to learn
Now I know for sure I'll never know
But I can always learn and grow

What we don't know
Is astonishing
Even more astonishing is
What passes for knowing
 10/5/18 507
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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Plan 506

Is a byproduct 
Of not having a

There so much to do
I'll never get through
The list keeps getting longer
And I am not any stronger
Can I find some way out
There is only one route
I'll create a clear plan
Then do all that I can 
To keep it moving in that direction
 Always ready for the next correction

Is a byproduct 
Of not having a
Nick Stephenson
10/4/18 506
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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Master 505a

Become master
Of common

My mother always said to chew
Even when she served me stew
Almost 80 years have passed
And I still gulp food to the very last
Stand up straight and pay attention
I hear her voice from the next dimension
She said young man listen to me
And mostly I would not agree
Chew and listen stand up straight
I have the power to direct my fate

Become master
Of common
10/3/18 505a
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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Yearning 505

Keep yearning
For learning

I can learn from everything that comes along
And make it part of my life's song
Most things can be turned to gain
Even when it come with pain
Life passes fast so I will pay attention
And do it without much apprehension
Whatever happens can be used as training
And I'll follow through with no complaining
I'll always ask where's the good in this
And strive to turn it into bliss

Keep yearning
For learning
10/2/18 505 
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Monday, October 1, 2018

Listen 504

Be still and
Listen to the

I meditate and sit real Still
And practice using  all my will
As I quiet my mind the more I hear
The high-pitched noise that roars in my ear
Most of the time I can ignore it
But when I'm tired it takes grit
To try to stay peaceful and grateful
And remember it's annoying but never fail
Millions suffer much more than some noise
I'll count my blessings and try to live with poise

Be still and
Listen to the
10/1/18 504
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